Maimonides (Rambam) and His Texts
One of the greatest Jewish scholars of all time, he was both a traditionalist and an innovator.
Inner Beauty, Outward Beauty, and Health
Judaism recognizes the primacy of an inner beauty, but we are nonetheless called upon to care for our bodies and not discouraged from tending to our appearance.
Pre-Modern Synagogue Architecture and Interior Design
Synagogues share certain functional interior furnishings, but there is no architectural design or artistic style that characterizes a synagogue.
Rav Kook Was Not a Vegetarian!
Among the many false claims about Rabbi Avraham Yitzkak HaCohen Kook is the assertion that he practiced vegetarianism.
Rav Kook & Vegetarianism
This major 20th-century Jewish thinker saw vegetarianism as the biblical ideal to which humankind should work to return.
The World to Come
The rabbis of the Talmud had a lot to say on the World to Come, but little about what it actually is.
The Basics of Kriah, or Tearing a Piece of Clothing
The ancient practice of tearing clothes is a tangible expression of grief and anger in the face of death.
The Tombstone, the Unveiling and Visiting the Grave
What happens at the Jewish cemetery.