Songs by American Jews
Many of the best-known American songs have been written by Jews--including many Christmas songs.
Some Modern Views on Euthanasia
Contemporary Jewish thinkers have expressed a wide range of opinions about the permissibility and parameters of euthanasia.
The Geonim
The heads of the academies in Babylon became the incontestable leaders of the Jewish world.
The Karaites: A Medieval Jewish Sect
The Karaites, biblical fundamentalists, challenged the authority of rabbinic Judaism.
Applying Rabbinic Law on Tzedakah Priorities
The rabbinic sages taught that humans should emulate God by meeting the particular needs of people in trouble. But how should one go about that today?
Artificial Insemination in Jewish Law
Most rabbis permit artificial insemination using the husband's semen, but donor insemination raises more complicated questions.