
Building the Second Temple

The historical importance and practical history of rebuilding ancient Judaism's sacred center.

Ezra and Nehemiah

These two reformers charted a course for the future of Judaism.

Palestine Under Persian Rule II

Politics from Artaxerxes to Zerubbabel

Palestine Under Persian Rule

Rebuilding the Temple and the reign of Cyrus

The Western Wall Today

The sole remnant of the ancient Temple plays a role in observing festivals in modern times.

Judaism and Fertility Technology

Jewish authorities do not object to fertility technology, but have concerns with some of the specific methods. 

Chosen People: Some Modern Views

While some modern Jews have rejected the notion of chosenness altogether, others have reinterpreted it as an ethical mission or a national spirit.

Reconstructionist Judaism and the Rejection of Chosen People

According to Reconstructionism's founder, the idea of chosenness divides peoples from each other and should be rejected, not reinterpreted.

Destruction As Punishment

Tradition gives a separate reason for the fall of each Temple.

A Communal Mourning

On Tisha B'Av, re-enacting the sorrow felt by those who survived the destruction of the Temple
