
Greetings from Constantinople

A Sephardic Jew records his impression of the city and its Jewish inhabitants in the twelfth century.

History of Conversion

Judaism's openness to newcomers has varied, depending on how strong and self-confident Jews have felt.

Conversion History: Talmudic Period

Conversion waxes and wanes, based on the historical and national circumstances of the Jews.

Conversion 101

What you need to know about converting to Judaism.

Conversion History: Ancient Period

The evolution of Israel as a nation into Judaism as a religion was paralleled by a move from assimilation of strangers to a more formal idea of conversion.

Conversion History: Late 20th Century

Jewish attitudes toward conversion began to change as spouses of non-Jews remained loyal to Judaism and more converts chose Judaism.

Conversion History: Middle Ages

In the face of persecution and legal restriction, codifiers of Jewish law chose survival over proselytization.

Going to the Mikveh: The Day After

As both symbol and expression of the profound change required of a convert to Judaism, the mikveh (mikvah) is often a deeply emotional experience.

Going to the Mikveh: The Day Before

With the ritual bath's echoes of sexuality and its demand for self-abnegation, the prospect of immersion can create some trepidation for the prospective convert.

Why Some Holidays Last Longer Outside Israel

Israelis and liberal Jews observe fewer days for some holidays than traditional Diaspora Jews.
