All The Days Of Our Lives
Unlike Moses, we do not know when we will die and should therefore repent every day of our lives.
Moses’ Approach Towards Death
Several commentaries interpret Moses's going to the people before his death.
Ritual Reinforcement
Through rituals, blessings, and warnings the Children of Israel strengthen their connections to history, land, and God.
The Worst Curse Is To Lose All Control
Among the curses for those who break the covenant is the inability to provide for themselves.
Quality Leaders
Moses and Joshua possessed leadership characteristics that we continue to look for in our leaders today.
If Only It Weren’t So Violent
The commandments to destroy the seven Canaanite nations are perhaps best understood as a later generation's struggle with idolatry.
Strength In Numbers
The commandment to gather every seven years for a communal Torah reading reinforces the spirit of unity and commitment among the people.
Remember, Don’t Forget!
The many commandments in Judaism relating to remembering both positive and negative experiences motivate us to work towards redemption.
A Home Of Our Own: From Soweto To The Suburbs
The prohibition against encroaching on your neighbor's land teaches us that our own expansion and success must not compromise the success of others.
Pursuing Justice For All
True justice balances the needs of a whole group, rather than just the individual.