
Non-Jewish Mothers and the Blessings on the Torah

Could an aliyah be a way to honor the sacrifices of a non-Jewish mother who raises a Jewish child?

The Concealed Face of God

Why isn't God mentioned in the Book of Esther?

Themes & Theology of Nature & the Environment

Themes and Theology of Nature and the Environment in Jewish Culture. Jewish Nature and the Environment.

Jewish Teachings on Nature and the Environment

Is nature valued for itself or because it is necessary for the survival of humanity?

Holy War: A Jewish Problem, Too

War in the name of God must be examined in our own tradition as well.

Worshipping Peace

When a revered value becomes all-important, it can become like an idol.

Purim Plays and Carnivals

Creative ways that fulfill the religious obligation to have fun.

Purim and Halloween

An ideological face-off.

Objecting to Conscientious Objection

According to at least one scholar, Jewish tradition does not recognize the right of personal conscientious objection.

The Gentle Heart in Israel Today

Extending a biblical exemption from military service to Israeli refuseniks.
