
The Book of Esther

There are many unique aspects to the biblical book that tells the Purim story.

How the Book of Esther Changed

Several Greek versions of the Purim story survive, along with the biblical text we read today.

Esther as Comedy

Can a book of the Bible be funny?

From Generation to Generation

Explaining to grandchildren Jewish environmental action

Reading the Megillah

The Scroll of Esther, which tells the Purim story, is chanted in synagogue twice on Purim.

Special Sabbaths

Recounting the moral obligations of Purim before the celebration begins

Revelation: The Next Level

A hidden God allows for a more active human role in the covenant.

On This Day God Calls To You

Parashat Nitzavim teaches us the importance of viewing ourselves as partners in a dialogue with God.

Highest Standards

Because of his position of leadership, Moses is judged extremely harshly when he sins.

Glatt Kosher

The name for this particular practice has come to stand for more stringent kashrut standards in general.
