
Nature and Holiness in the Writings of Priests and Prophets

To the Israelite prophets, humans are central to the relationship of God and the created world...

Jewish Printing

The social and intellectual changes brought about by the advent of the printing press.

Jewish Science in the Middle Ages

Attitudes toward and contributions to medieval science.

In the Theocentric Universe, Human Beings Are Not Masters

Powerful passages in the Book of Job teach that the world, and the animals in particular, must not be abused or exploited by human beings.

The Genesis Creation Story: Permission to Despoil?

A Bible scholar takes issue with those who blame the Book of Genesis for Western culture's exploitative disregard for nature.

The Natural World and our Need for Wonder

When we perceive, at rare moments, that behind the natural world is a realm of the unknown and inexplicable, we attain awareness of holiness

Traditional Commentaries on the Shema

Commentaries on the three paragraphs of the Shema read Jewish concepts both out of and into the text.

The Shema

An affirmation of God’s singularity, its daily recitation is regarded by traditionally observant Jews as a biblical commandment.

Jewish Prayers and Liturgy 101

An overview of the texts that guide Jewish worship.
