
Enhancing the Amidah

A selection of piyyutim from the Rosh Hashanah Amidah

Piyyutim: Religious Poetry

Piyyutim permeate the High Holiday liturgy.

What Happens in Synagogue on Rosh Hashanah

Highlights of the Jewish New Year prayer services.

Rosh Hashanah Musaf Amidah

The additional Amidah contains the major themes of the holiday season.

The Origins of the Shofar

The command to sound the ram's horn is found in the Torah.

How To Make A Shofar

Step-by-step instructions, materials not included.

Jewish New Year Morse Code?

At the High Holidays four shofar sounds with endless messages.

Shofar History and Tradition

The shofar is mentioned in the Torah. An instruction manual, straight from the sources.

10 Things the Shofar Symbolizes

Here's how the shofar sounds were interpreted in a classic text more than 1,000 years ago.

Highlights of the Rosh Hashanah Service

How the liturgy for the Jewish New Year differs from standard Shabbat and weekday prayers.
