
Wary Of War

The understanding that Israelite troops were addressed on two different occasions before they entered war reflects the idea that our reactions to war often depend on its imminence.

The Emergence Of Environmentalism

From the commandment not to cut down trees in war, we derive the prohibition against the careless destruction of nature.

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Remission of debt and freeing of slaves are two biblical institutions that ensure that cycles of poverty are not perpetuated.

Communal Cohesion

The second paragraph of the Shema teaches us the importance of the communal observance of Judaism.

Should We Fear God or Love God — or Both?

Moses' message to relate to God through love, not only through fear, is especially relevant in the modern age.

Gentle Rebuke Can Lead To Return

Moses' sensitive rebuke of the Israelites teaches us that we can always return and renew our relationship with God and religion.

Protecting The Sacredness Of Life

The laws of the Cities of Refuge emphasize the sacredness and infinite value of every human life.

My Word

The laws of vows teach that our words have the power to create holiness between us.

The Limits Of Leadership

Pinchas' violent act raises questions about the extent of any leader's authority.

Who’s Next? The Change And Challenge Of Leadership

The transition in leadership from Moses to Joshua provides us with a model for contemporary changes in leadership.
