
Institutionalizing Freedom

The combination of Moses' vision and Korach's organizing skills is an instructive model for successful coalition building.

Civil Disobedience in the Bible

The Bible has a number of models for nonviolent resistance.

Jewish War & Peace 101

Jewish tradition takes it for granted that war is an inevitable part of human existence.

The Ethics of Jewish War

Few traditional sources discuss the ethics of fighting noncombatants, but some Jewish laws of war do display a moral genesis.

Rabbinic Limitations on War

Deuteronomy 20 permits wars of aggression, but the talmudic rabbis made it difficult to declare one.

Defensive War

When lives are at stake, Judaism permits--and probably requires--fighting.

Jewish Law and Nuclear Warfare

Judaism prohibits military action that will result in a colossal number of casualties.

Two Types of Jewish War

Judaism distinguishes between commanded wars and permitted wars.

Combat and Conflict in Judaism

Combat and Conflict in Jewish Tradition. Jewish Views on War and Peace. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Exemptions from Military Service in Judaism

The Torah lists several categories of men who are exempt from war fighting.
