Why Some Jewish Women Go to the Mikveh Each Month
What is niddah, or taharat ha mishpacha, and who observes it?
Israel as Estranged Wives and Widows
The metaphor of Israel as the wife of God receives several potent and shocking midrashic reinterpretations as the rabbis reflect on Israel's suffering and persecution.
Twice Blessed: Jewish and Gay in the 21st Century
An examination of contemporary gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Jewish communities.
Homosexuality, Choice, and Jewish Law
If homosexuality is not chosen, then there is precedent in Jewish law for condoning it.
The Reality of Sex Outside Marriage
Non-marital sex is not ideal, but that doesn't mean Judaism has nothing to say about it.
What Does Judaism Say About Masturbation?
Is pleasuring oneself permitted in Judaism?
The Book of Esther
There are many unique aspects to the biblical book that tells the Purim story.
How the Book of Esther Changed
Several Greek versions of the Purim story survive, along with the biblical text we read today.