When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Suffering is meaningless unless you decide otherwise.
Visiting the Sick in Judaism
Aware as we may be of the importance of visiting and assisting people who are ill, we still have to overcome our fears and hesitations in order to perform this mitzvah.
Visiting the Sick: Bikkur Cholim
The importance of this act is emphasized in daily prayers.
How To Visit the Sick, in Judaism
A rabbi offers advice about how to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick with wisdom, discretion, and sensitivity.
Humans as Co-creators: Co-owners as Well?
A Talmudic legal parable illustrates that, although they may have improved the natural world, humans do not own it. We may transcend nature, but we are also part of it.
Nature and Holiness in the Writings of Priests and Prophets
To the Israelite prophets, humans are central to the relationship of God and the created world...
Jewish Printing
The social and intellectual changes brought about by the advent of the printing press.
Ancient/Medieval Jewish History
Jewish Science in the Middle Ages
Attitudes toward and contributions to medieval science.
In the Theocentric Universe, Human Beings Are Not Masters
Powerful passages in the Book of Job teach that the world, and the animals in particular, must not be abused or exploited by human beings.