Business Ethics & Jewish Law
Jewish law has plenty to say about conducting business: accurate weights and measures, overcharging, verbal deception, false packaging and much more.
Jews and Finance
The idea that Jews are good with money is one of the oldest Jewish stereotypes. But it's undeniable that Jews are well-represented in finance and business.
Eco-Judaism: Renewing Tu Bishvat
A contemporary form of Judaism that focuses on our relationship with the environment and expands the focus of Tu Bishvat.
It’s In The Blood
The Torah's abhorrence for consuming blood may have led to the Jewish people's abhorrence for shedding it.
Be Yourself
The gifts brought to the Temple for the pilgrimage festivals teach us the importance of preserving our unique identities.
Graced With Food
By blessing after we eat, we elevate the act of eating by connecting with God.
No Pain, No Gain And No More Manna
The manna was not only a gift of food, but also a tangible sign of God's relationship with the Children of Israel.
Through Weakness And Strength
In times of success and prosperity we must remember those who have assisted us in the past.
The Land Is The Means
The Land of Israel is a means to the sacred end of developing into Godly people.