Love And Land
The love between God and the Children of Israel is most strongly expressed in the Land of Israel.
My Killer, My Brother
The instruction not to provoke the descendants of Esau reminds us that there is always potential for family reconciliation.
Zeal And Peace
How can we reconcile Pinchas' act of zealous violence and the covenant of peace he receives?
Causing Crisis
Korah's rebellion was unforgivable because he created disunity among the Jewish people.
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Miriam, whose death is recorded in Parashat Chukat, embodied the honor and glory of the women of Israel.
When To Talk And When To Act
Comparing Moses to Yiftah raises questions about when we should be people of speech and when we should be people of action.
Reflect Before You Respond
Moses' response to Korach's challenge teaches us to reflect on our own actions in any situation of conflict or anger.
Different Leaders For Different Times
While Korach's rebellion was inappropriate in the context of newly freed slaves in the wilderness, his challenges speak to us powerfully today.
The Place From Which We Pray
Unlike Abraham, Bil'am failed to examine his own prayers and intentions, attributing their failure to his location of prayer.
Which Is Mightier: The Word Or The Sword?
Balaam's death by sword at the hands of the Israelites is ironic retribution for his verbal power over them.