
Two Strikes And They’re Out?

Though we may challenge the severity of Moses' and Aaron's punishment, we affirm sacredness by trying to comprehend it.

No Rest(s) For The Wicked

Unlike Jewish prophets, Balaam was merely a mouthpiece for the word of God, not an active participant.

Facing Longstanding Foes

Were the Canaanites the nation of Amalek?

Parashat Chukat: Summary

God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies.

Miriam: Water Under The Bridge?

Miriam's death should motivate us to recognize people today who provide nurture and support.

Fringed With Faith

The tzitzit (fringes) and tallit (prayer shawl) serve as physical reminders of our connections with previous generations and of the faith that sustained them and us.

Jews March On

The verses recited when the ark (and today the Torah) was carried remind us of our own restless wanderings.

The Power Of Perception

The survival and success of the Jewish people stems from our ability to mold reality to match our dreams and ideals.

The Stability of the Priestly Blessing

The priestly blessing with which parents bless their children on Shabbat gives parents an opportunity to partner with God in shaping Jewish history and ensuring continuity.

Punishment To Fit The Crime And The Confession

The biblical approach stands in sharp contrast to American federal sentencing guidelines.
