
Dramatizing the Torah

The Torah reading in most synagogues is inaccessible, the author says, and needs to be "livened up" through the use of drama and performance art.

The Torah Service

The Torah is taken out during prayer services on Shabbat, Mondays and Thursdays.

National Redemption

The blessings that conclude the Amidah's center section emphasize God's redemption of Israel.

The Amidah

Moving from praise to petition to thanksgiving, the Amidah inculcates a sense of connection to God.

Mordecai Kaplan: Founder of Reconstructionist Judaism

An examination of the philosophy of one of the 20th century's most prominent Jewish thinkers.

Radical Theology: Confronting the Crises of Modernity

The findings of modern science and the tragedy of the Holocaust led some Jewish thinkers to redefine God.

The Blessings Around the Shema

The structure of these three blessings reflects the historical progress from creation to revelation to redemption.

Shema as a Love Story

The three paragraphs of the Shema can be interpreted allegorically by connecting each of the three paragraphs to a different stage of a growing, loving relationship.

Israel’s Political Parties

Israeli Political Parties. The Israeli Electoral System. Israeli Politics. Contemporary Israel. The Jewish State. Jewish History and Community.


Scholars debate whether the Israelites recognized only one God or worshipped only one God.
