Franz Rosenzweig and the Founding of the Lehrhaus
A review of the life, thought, and work of this influential 20th-century existentialist thinker and Jewish educator.
Responses to Reform Movement’s Emergence: Orthodox and Conservative
Modern Jewish denominations emerge over time.
The Feminist Critique of God Language
A survey of Jewish feminist challenges and responses to traditionally male language for God.
What Are the Sefirot?
According to the kabbalists, the attributes of God relate to each other in a scripted way.
God in the Age of Reason
Hermann Cohen and his student, Franz Rosenzweig, stressed the ethical implications of God.
How to Lead a Tu Bishvat Seder
The modern seder draws on elements of its mystical predecessor.
The Future of American Orthodoxy
An examination of the challenges facing Orthodox Judaism in America
What Is Reconstructionist Judaism?
The smallest and youngest of the so-called "big four" American Jewish denominations.
The Kabbalistic Conception of God
The medieval mystics made a distinction between the infinite, unknowable God and God's revealed aspects.