
The Soul of a Fetus

In Judaism, the question of when "ensoulment" takes place is both unanswerable and irrelevant to the issue of abortion.

The Territories, 1982-1987

An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, 1982 - 1987.

The Beginnings of the Territorial Conflict

An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, 1948-67.

Absorbing the Exiles

Israel worked to absorb massive numbers of Jewish immigrants during the 1950s.

The Mass Migration to Israel of the 1950s

Hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe and the Arab lands seek a new home in the Jewish state.

The Territories, 1987- 1998

An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, 1987 - 1998.

The Territories After the Six-Day War

An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.

Jewish American Literature: 1970-2000

For this crop of American writers, being Jewish is as natural as breathing, sleeping, and sex.

Jewish American Literature

American Jewish writing depicts the struggles of immigrant life, the stable yet alienated middle-class existence that followed, and finally the unique challenges of cultural acceptance.

Israeli Literature: The New Wave

In the second half of the 20th century, Israeli writers became a voice of critique and protest.
