Israeli Writing: The Next 50 Years
The future of Israeli literature is as uncertain as Israel's ever-fluctuating demography.
Choosing Hebrew
Jewish writers chose Hebrew, not German or Russian or even Yiddish, as the language with which to build a modern literary tradition.
The Leprosy Of Irresponsible Speech
Learning to control our speech will enable us to transform the world into a community that respects the shared humanity of all people.
Reaching Out To The Isolated
Just as the priest went out from the community to welcome back those afflicted with leprosy, we too should reach out to those who feel excluded.
Judging Ourselves And Others
The priest's role in declaring and treating leprosy, a physical manifestation of spiritual impurity, teaches us not to judge our own or others' spiritual lives.
Is It Blasphemous To Heal People?
Even if we view leprosy as a punishment, we must work to heal the afflicted, allowing our sense of compassion to override justice or logic.
Parashat Tazria: Summary
God instructs Moses about the purification rituals for mothers following childbirth; God then describes to Moses and Aaron the procedures for identifying and responding to those infected with leprosy.
A Gay Perspective On Punishment And Disease
Understanding God's presence in disease means viewing illness not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to treat others as created in the image of God.