
Parashat Tzav: Summary

God tells Moses to describe the rituals for some of the offerings to the priests; the priests then undergo the process of ordination.

Tending Flames, Seeing Faces

Like the fire that always burned on the altar, we should make sure that our inner fires of compassion always inspire us to work for justice.

The Obligation To Give Thanks

The thanksgiving offering teaches us the importance of thanking God as a communal sharing of faith and appreciation.

Service As Its Own Reward

Zealousness regarding the elevation offering reminds us to be careful in our service of God and others.

Sometimes Not Only An Animal Was Sacrificed

Our spiritual leaders must always remember that the sanctity of human life should never supercede devotion to God.

Private And Communal Judaism

Despite the occasional need for private expressions of Judaism, we must remember our connection to the larger public community.

Ears, Thumbs And Toes

The ceremony installing the priests teaches the importance of consecrating the entire body for sacred service.

Sacrifices And Passover

The juxtaposition of Vayikra with preparations for Passover shows the parallels between cleaning our homes and souls and offering atonement and thanksgiving.

Sacrifices Are Alive And Well!

The model of sacrifices, of offering our kindness, generosity and compassion even if it is difficult, inspires us to continue to draw close to God.

Parashat Vayikra: Summary

God commands Moses regarding various types of offerings: under what circumstances they should be offered and what they should consist of.
