
1939-1945: World War II

How the Nazis incorporated genocide into their conquest of Europe.

Nazi Germany 1933-1939: Early Stages of Persecution

How Hitler laid the groundwork for genocide.

Holocaust as History

An introduction to historical scholarship about the Holocaust.

Berakhot 2a: What’s on the Opening Page of the Talmud

The Talmud treats the law as a given; its agenda is to see how the different understandings of that law relate to each other.

The Spirituality Of Business Ethics

Recognizing God as a partner in all business dealings inspires us to conduct these dealings with the utmost care and honesty.


Exodus 25:1-27:19


Exodus 35:1-38:20

Ki Tissa

Exodus 30:11-34:35

The Role Of The Tabernacle

Is the Tabernacle a sacred center of intense love or an outgrowth of our sins?

Keeping Accounts

Moses' account of all of the materials of the Tabernacle is a model for the honesty and transparency with which we should run our businesses.
