

Jewish law's response to slander over the ages moved from strong disapproval to imposing real communal consequences.

Truth and Lies in the Jewish Tradition

Jewish moralist literature sets a high standard of truthtelling, but one not without exceptions.

Comparing Vows and Oaths in Judaism

The act of speaking an oath or a vow aloud gives it binding force in traditional Jewish law.

Mitzvot & Jewish Mystics

"Unitive" and "restorative" impulses propel the religious life of the Jewish mystic.

Struggling With Monotheism

Jacob and his family's evolving relationship with God illustrates the complex struggle with faith and monotheism.

Exile and Survival: Jacob’s Legacy

Jacob and the Jewish people have learned powerful lessons from the experience of exile.

From Pride Comes Loneliness

Joseph's experience in prison teaches him, and us, that we succeed and flourish when we support those around us.

Controlling Love

Joseph teaches us to temper love with a sense of duty and a knowledge of right and wrong.

The Challenge Of Changing

Despite Jacob's negative experiences with favoritism, he repeats this trait in his own family and home.

Parashat Vayishlach: Summary

With a video commentary from Bim Bam.
