Jewish Funerals: What to Expect When You Go
Bad news, unfortunately, travels fast. It can be helpful to know in advance what to do when attending a Jewish funeral.
Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas
The biblical text and the Rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts.
Jewish Ethical Behavior
The involvement of God in moral issues gives Jewish ethical thinking a passion and urgency.
Abortion and Judaism
The Jewish position on abortion is nuanced, neither condoning it nor categorically prohibiting it.
North African Cuisine
The Jews of North Africa ate spicy, aromatic foods, usually with couscous.
Hanukkah Themes and Theology
Beyond the parties and gifts, what the Festival of Lights is all about.
The Commandments: Biblical Reasons to Obey
There are a number of reasons given to obey God's laws.