
Being Truly Present To God And People

We can learn from Jacob's encounter with Esau to meet others as we would meet God.

Overcoming Envy

Esau and Jacob are able to reconcile only when each is secure in his achievements.

Why the Angel Asks Jacob His Name

By asking Jacob his name, his wrestling adversary challenges him to examine himself.

Living With Threat

Jacob sends Esau the message that despite having lived with Laban, he has kept the commandments and learned to stand up to powerful figures.

Laban’s Excuse: Labor Ethics and Community Standards

Laban and Jacob's business relationship teaches us about the importance of ensuring ethical working conditions.

Understanding Jacob’s Ladder

How the rabbis tried to make sense of this strange dream.

God Was In This Place And I Did Not Know

Jacob's response to his dream provides us with two models of discovering God's presence.

Anatomy Of An Enemy

Amalek's personal history may have fueled his descendants' anger towards the descendants of Abraham.

Children And Deferred Dreams

Reflected in the names of her children, Leah grows to recognize her own worth, independent of Jacob's feelings for her.

I Have A Dream…

Jacob's response to his dream teaches us to turn our dreams into visions and our visions into reality.
