
Hanukkah 101

From candle-lighting to Maccabees and latkes to dreidels.

The Baal Shem Tov

The founder of Hasidism is shrouded in legend and mystery.

Heikhalot Literature

Scholars disagree over whether Heikhalot texts are chronicles of mystical adventures or literary creations.

Merkavah Mysticism: The Chariot and the Chamber

Early Jewish mystics tried to achieve visions of the Divine.

What Hasidic Jews Believe

Though Hasidism is not a homogenous philosophy, there are certain ideas common to its many subgroups.

Isaac Luria and Kabbalah in Safed

After the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the center of kabbalistic study moved to the town of Safed in northern Palestine.

The Zohar

This influential work of Jewish mysticism continues to inspire spiritual seekers.

Kabbalah in Spain

From the 13th through the 15th century, the Iberian Peninsula was the home of most major kabbalists.

Gershom Scholem & the Study of Mysticism

The academic study of Jewish mysticism was established by a single, ground-breaking scholar.
