Parashat Ki Tisa: Summary
God continues describing the Tabernacle to Moses; the people worship the Golden Calf, Moses pleads on their behalf, and God forgives them.
The Menorah: Let Your Light Shine
The menorah teaches that each of us has a unique gift to contribute to the world.
Parashat Mishpatim: Summary
Moses informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and God.
Murder And Atheism
In claiming power over human lives, a murderer denies that God alone possesses that power.
Critiquing Our Leadership
While it's easy to complain about poor leadership, Parashat Mishpatim challenges us to critique from a committed, engaged perspective.
An Eye for $100, A Tooth for About 10 Bucks
Several interpretations of "an eye for an eye" all provide valuable insights into ethical lessons of the Torah.
We Are The Narrative
In the shift from narrative to law, we become the actors performing the narrative of liberation.
Here Comes The Judge
Parashat Mishpatim teaches us that our society cannot function without laws, judges, and courts of justice.
Preparing To Receive God’s Message
Unlike the first tablets, the second tablets, which were hewn by human hands, endured.
Money Is Tainted
Yitro tells Moses that only people of integrity, who themselves would never engage in legally questionable business dealings, are qualified to serve as judges.