
Themes in Jewish Lifecycle Events

Overview of various themes in Jewish lifecycle.

What Is Challah?

All about the braided Sabbath bread.

Sukkot 101

Beginning five days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot is named after the booths or huts (sukkot in Hebrew) in which Jews are supposed to dwell during this week-long celebration.

Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah 101

The two holidays at the conclusion of Sukkot.

The Yom Kippur Confession (Viddui)

A first step toward repairing a wrong.

Modern Sins

Updating the traditional Yom Kippur confession.

Jewish Food 101

Jewish cuisine is influenced by the foods in the many countries where Jews have lived.

Jews and Premarital Sex

The Torah doesn't explicitly outlaw sex before marriage, but it doesn't approve of it either.
