
The Fetus in Jewish Law

Does a fetus have the same legal status as a person?

The Role of Community in Life Cycle Events

Private rites can lead to a stronger connection to community.

Tzedakah 101

Tzedakah is not just about charitable contributions, but about justice and righteousness.

Shabbat Rest and Renewal

Two elements that are the essence of Shabbat.

Shabbat As Protest

Observing Shabbat is an antidote to the stresses of daily life.

Is Forgiveness Necessary?

Righting a wrong requires two parties.

Tzedakah Themes & Theology

Although often translated as “charity,” tzedakah is not equivalent to charity. Rather, its root means “justice.”

Tzedakah: History and Development

History and Development of Tzedakah. Jewish Tzedakah. Charitable Giving.

Moon and Women

Celebrating the new moon has special significance for women.

Tzedakah in the Bible

The Bible backed up its exhortations to assist the poor with laws and practices that gave poor people a claim to a share of society’s wealth.
