
Tzedakah in the Bible

The Bible backed up its exhortations to assist the poor with laws and practices that gave poor people a claim to a share of society’s wealth.

Mitzvah: A Commandment

There are 613, not just 10, commandments, or mitzvot.

About Jewish Lifecycle

About Jewish Lifecycle. Jewish Ceremonies and Rituals.

On Yom Kippur, You Are What You Don’t Eat

7 reasons for fasting on the Day of Atonement.

Why Fast on Yom Kippur?

Fasting is a physical discipline that translates into ethical behavior.

Ancient Yom Kippur Observances

How the Day of Atonement was marked before the destruction of the Second Temple.

The Jewish View of Sin

Each person has the inclination to do both good and bad.

Averting the Severe Decree

The appearance of three word phrases in the Unetaneh Tokef prayer teaches that deeds must follow thought.

German-Jewish Cuisine

The roots of Ashkenazic cuisine lie in medieval Germany.

Yizkor: The Jewish Memorial Service

The memorial service is added to the holiday cycle four times a year
