
Did God Write the Bible?

Evidence indicates that the Bible, in the form we have it, is a human document, but that does not mean it is not sacred.

The Torah as a Divine Integration

Scholars understand the Torah to be a combination of four prior documents. The sum is far greater than the parts.

The Purpose and Meaning of Sex in Judaism

Judaism approves of sex and sexual pleasure, valuing it as a means toward procreation and companionship.

Sex Outside Marriage: Modern Rabbinic Views

A selection of statements from rabbis of various denominations.

Jewish Immigration to America

The size and character of the American Jewish community has been defined by the 3.5 million Jews who have emigrated since the 17th century.

Modern Israel at a Glance

An overview of the Jewish state and its many accomplishments and challenges.

A History of Brit Milah

Shifting views and philosophies about the Jewish practice of circumcising baby boys on the eighth day of life.

Elevating Sin

Acknowledging sins allows for individual purification.

Jewish Holiday & Shabbat Prayers

Each and every holiday in the Jewish calendar comes with its own unique set of insertions into the prayers intended to celebrate the special character of that festival.
