
Lessons Of The Flood

The story of the flood provides us with numerous insights into human nature and human relationships.

Zionism: A Call To Awe And Compassion

Abraham's relationship to the Land of Israel teaches us to use it as a means of building a just and compassionate society.

Valuing Kindness

Abraham and Rebecca, known for their kindness, are strong role models for us.

Isaac Loved Esau, But Rebecca Loved Jacob

Isaac and Rebecca's approaches to their sons teach us valuable lessons about education and relating to people with different natural inclinations.

Rebecca’s Spiritual Crisis

Like Rebecca, we should turn toward God, not away, in our moments of spiritual crisis.

Sharing The Blessing

Isaac's decision to bless both of his sons gives us hope for achieving a peaceful solution to the conflict between Jews and Palestinians.

How Jacob Defied Destiny

Jacob and Rebecca teach us that we can alter our fates and achieve greatness.

The First Intifada

The content and consequences of the 1987 Palestinian uprising.

Tzedakah Guidelines

Jewish texts discuss how much to give and to whom.

Holiday Foods

Foods associated with holidays depend on geography.
