
Elevating Sin

Acknowledging sins allows for individual purification.

Jewish Holiday & Shabbat Prayers

Each and every holiday in the Jewish calendar comes with its own unique set of insertions into the prayers intended to celebrate the special character of that festival.

Minor Fasts

The five minor Jewish fasts like Tzom Gedaliah, 10 Tevet, 17 Tammuz commemorate tragedies in Jewish history.

The Dimensions of Repentance

The link Maimonides found between confession and repentance.

Who Fasts?

There are exceptions to the Yom Kippur fast.

Yom Kippur: Rabbinic Development

After the destruction of the second Temple, the focus of the holiday changes.

The Double Purpose of Yom Kippur

We must be cleansed from the polluting effects of sin.

Some Meanings of Brit Milah

The message to the one who is circumcised: The covenant involves pain and sacrifice as well as honor and sanctity. And it is part of who you are, branded into your flesh at birth.

A Historical View of Pidyon HaBen

From biblical to contemporary times, how Jews have practiced this ceremony of redemption of the first-born.

Spiraling Towards Repentance

There are five factors in teshuvah (repentance), each of which can be a starting point for the entire process.
