
Spiraling Towards Repentance

There are five factors in teshuvah (repentance), each of which can be a starting point for the entire process.

Genesis Means Origins

The first book of the Torah tells of the origins of the world and of the children of Israel.

A Guide to Yom Kippur Prayers

The Day of Atonement contains more services than any other observance in Judaism.

Confessing Our Sins

The two prayers, Ashamnu and Al Chet constitute the Jewish confession.

What is Sin?

A modern interpretation of sin and repentance.

Last Chance

Yom Kippur culminates the process of repentance begun before Rosh Hashanah.

Intention & Liturgical Change

Liturgy, Tradition, and Change

Different Perspectives on the Authorship of the Torah

Literary, historical, and theological perspectives on whether the Torah is divine, human, or something in between

Approaches to Bible Commentary

An introduction to the different methods Jews have used to read the Bible throughout history.

Israeli Food

Israelis have developed and continue to enjoy a delicious cuisine rooted in the uniqueness of Israeli society itself.
