
Teshuvah, or Repentance

The High Holidays provide a special opportunity to repent.

Polish and Russian-Jewish Cuisine

Ashkenazi food moves east.

Red Sea Cuisine

Jewish foods of Yemen, Ethiopia, and Egypt.

Jews and Secular Holidays

Are Thanksgiving and Halloween "kosher"?

The Beginning of Life in Judaism

According to Jewish law, human life begins at birth, not conception.

Halakhic Questions about Organ Transplants

What are the Jewish legal issues with organ transplantation?

Eleh Ezkerah: The Ten Martyrs

An account of ten rabbis killed by the Romans is a centerpiece of the Yom Kippur service.

Contemporary Issues in Lifecycle Ritual

Contemporary feminism has been, arguably, the primary influence upon the recent flourishing of new rituals and the transformation of older ones. On the other hand, for traditionalist Jews, the development of new approaches to ritual can be highly problema

Why Do Jews Study Talmud?

On the various motivations and interests which brought Jews into a cross-generational conversation called Talmud.

A Jewish Bookseller’s View

Booksellers View of Jewish Texts. What Makes a Text Jewish. What are Jewish Texts. About Jewish Texts. Jewish Texts. People of the Book.
