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Tzedakah: Charitable Giving
Jewish Ritual & Ethics
To Be a Jew, by Hayim Halevy Donin (Basic Books, 1972).
A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice, by Isaac Klein (Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1979).
Gates of Mitzvah–Shaarei Mitzvah, edited by Simeon J. Maslin (Central Conference of American Rabbis Press, 1986).
The Guide to Jewish Interfaith Family Life: An Handbook, by Ronnie Friedland and Edmund Case (JewishLights, 2001).
Jewish Living: A Guide to Contemporary Reform Practice, by Mark Washofsky (Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 2001).
Jewish Family & Life: Traditions, Holidays, and Values for Today’s Parents and Children, by Yosef I. Abramowitz and Susan Silverman (Golden Books, 1997).
Exploring Judaism: A Reconstructionist Approach, by Rebecca T. Alpert and Jacob J. Staub (Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, 2000).
The Jewish Catalogue, edited by Richard Siegel, Michael Strassfeld, and Sharon Strassfeld (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1973).
The Second Jewish Catalogue, edited by Sharon Strassfeld and Michael Strassfeld (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1976).
To Life!: A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking, by Harold Kushner (Little, Brown & Co., 1993).
Jewish Wisdom: Ethical, Spiritual, and Historical Lessons from the Great Works and Thinkers, by Joseph Telushkin (William Morrow & Co., 1994).
On Being a Jew, by James Kugel (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998).
Kashrut: Dietary Laws
The Jewish Dietary Laws: Their Meaning for Our Time, by Samuel H. Dresner with A Guide to Observance, by Seymour Siegel (Burning Bush Press, 1959).
The Practical Guide to Kashruth, by S. Wasgschal (Feldheim).
Why Kosher?: An Anthology of Answers, by Irving Welfeld (Jason Aronson, 1996).
How to Keep Kosher: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Jewish Dietary Laws, by Lise Stern (William Morrow, 2004).
The Way into Jewish Prayer, by Lawrence A. Hoffman (Jewish Lights, 2000).
Entering Jewish Prayer: A Guide to Personal Devotion and the Worship Service, by Reuven A. Hammer (Schocken Books, 1994).
To Pray as a Jew, by Hayim Halevy Donin (Basic Books, 1980).
Jewish Worship, by Abraham Millgram (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1971; 2nd ed., 1975).
Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History, by Ismar Elbogen. Transl. Raymond Scheindlin (Jewish Publication Society, 1993).
My People’s Prayer Book, edited by Lawrence A. Hoffman (Jewish Lights, ten volumes so far).

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Shabbat: The Sabbath
The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man, by Abraham Joshua Heschel (Noonday Press, 1996).
Gates of Shabbat: Shaarei Shabbat: A Guide for Observing Shabbat, written and edited by Mark Dov Shapiro (Central Conference of American Rabbis Press, 1991).
The Jewish Sabbath: A Renewed Encounter, by Pinhas Peli (Schocken Books, 1991) [original title: Shabbat Shalom].
The Sabbath, by Samuel Dresner (United Synagogue of America, 1970).
The Sabbath: A Guide to Its Understanding and Observance, by I. Grunfeld (Feldheim, 1986).
A Shabbat Reader: Universe of Cosmic Joy, edited by Dov Peretz Elkins (Union of American Hebrew Congregations).
Torah Study
Back to the Sources: Reading the Classical Jewish Texts, edited by Barry Holtz (Simon and Schuster, 1986).
Torah With Love: A Guide for Strengthening Jewish Values Within the Family, by David Epstein and Suzanne Stutman (Simon and Schuster, 1986).
Business Ethics
Jewish Business Ethics: The Firm and Its Stakeholder, edited by Moses L. Pava and Aaron Levine (Jason Aronson, 1999).
The Challenge of Wealth: A Jewish Perspective on Earning and Spending Money, by Meir Tamari (Jason Aronson, 1995).
With All Your Possessions: Jewish Ethics and Economic Life, by Meir Tamari (Jason Aronson, 1998).
Caring for Others
It’s a Mitzvah!, by Bradley Shavit Artson (Behrman House, 1995).
The Book of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living, by Joseph Telushkin (Harmony/Bell Tower, 2000).
The Way into Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World, by Elliot Dorff (Jewish Lights, 2007).
Our Bodies
Matters of Life and Death, by Elliot N. Dorff (Jewish Publication Society, 1998).
People of the Body: Jews and Judaism from an Embodied Perspective, edited by Howard Eilberg-Schwartz (State University of New York Press, 1992).
Illness and Health in the Jewish Tradition: Writings from the Bible to Today, edited by David L. Freeman and Judith Z. Abrams (Jewish Publication Society, 1999).
Talk & Gossip
Revered by All: The Life and Works of Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan Hafetz Hayyim (1830-1933), by Lester Eckman (Shengold, 1996).
Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to Choose Words Wisely and Well, by Joseph Telushkin (HarperCollins, 1998).
Tzedakah: Charitable Giving
The Challenge of Wealth: A Jewish Perspective on Earning and Spending Money, by Meir Tamari (Jason Aronson, 1995).
From Charity to Social Justice: The Emergence of Communal Institutions for the Support of the Poor in Ancient Judaism, by Frank Loewenberg (Dimensions, 2001).
To Do the Right and the Good: A Jewish Approach to Modern Social Ethics, by Elliot N. Dorff (Jewish Publication Society, 2002).
Pronounced: shuh-BAHT or shah-BAHT, Origin: Hebrew, the Sabbath, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

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