Alieza Salzberg
Alieza Salzberg teaches rabbinic texts and Jewish history in Jerusalem. She holds an MA from Hebrew University in Midrash and Aggada as well as an MA in Creative Writing from CCNY. She is currently writing a doctoral dissertation on gender and war in the Babylonian Talmud.
Articles by Alieza Salzberg
Will the Real Esther Please Stand Up?
The heroine of the Purim story is portrayed in contradictory ways in the biblical book that bears her name.
The Politics of Archeology in Israel
The meaning of archeological finds in Israel is up for interpretation.
The Darker Side of Hanukkah
Some different--and surprising--stories about how the Maccabean revolt began.
Hair Coverings for Married Women
Why some Orthodox women cover their hair, whether with wigs, hats or scarves.