Aryeh Genger
Aryeh Genger is a 19-year-old writer and audio architect hailing from Beersheva, Israel. With a deep love of philosophy, Judaism, music and food, he brings his passions to print by preaching the power of connecting to our Jewish identity and being a part of something larger than ourselves.
Articles by Aryeh Genger
The 13 Most Outrageous Sufganiyot In Israel
These sufganiyot take Hanukkah desserts to a new level.
This Celebrity Chef Was Arrested for Killing a Nazi
Marcella Hazan was renowned for her Italian cuisine expertise, but her passion for cooking was inspired by Shabbat dinner at her in-laws.
The Twisted History of Bissli, Israel’s Most Iconic Snack
And why they're so obsessed with it.
How Humble Israeli Bamba Became Everyone’s Snack Obsession
We’re talking billions of bags of these unique peanut puffs.
The Jewish History of Cream of Wheat
Exploring the delicious past, present and future of farina.
Meet Amba: The Funkiest Jewish Condiment
There are no limits to this tongue-tingling mango pickle.
8 Jewish Donuts From Around the World
From Sephardic bimuelos to Hungarian fánk, Jews and donuts are inextricably linked.
How This Jewish Immigrant Revolutionized Donuts in the U.S.
Paving the way for the success of Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts and more.
3 Ways Ethiopian Jews Use Honey on Rosh Hashanah
Think beyond apples and honey…
3 Ashkenazi Delicacies to Save From Extinction
It’s not too late to keep our culinary heritage alive.