Chloé Nudelman
Chloé Nudelman is a Jewish student of life who is passionate about making sure everyone is seen, heard, and respected, and that no one feels alone. In her free time, she enjoys reading memoirs and performing with her Improv team.
Articles by Chloé Nudelman
Things Adults Say to Make Teens Feel Unwelcome
There are many phrases adults drop during daily life that can affect a teen’s self-esteem and emotional wellbeing. Three of ...
How the Lack of Sex Ed Dramatically Impacts Teens’ Health
It is a well-known fact that the US sex education system is in simple words, trash. There are three types ...
Sibling Rivalry…Or Bullying?
Fighting with siblings is a normal part of development, from healthy competition pushing each other to do better, to developing ...
Consent, Not Just for Sex
We’re taught that “no means no.” But what consent looks like is changing, and it’s not just for sex anymore.Consent ...
How Parents Can Impact Your Mental Health & How to Cope
What happens when your biggest bully is your parent?“Oh, you need to go on a diet.” “Look at your grades, ...
Media on My Mind
It is a well-known fact that children are impressionable. With this fact in mind, it’s not surprising that many of ...