Reuven Kimelman

Reuven Kimelman is a Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University.


Articles by Reuven Kimelman

A Jewish Prayer for Ukraine

This prayer for Ukraine is inspired by the liturgy of Rosh Hashanah which asks God for an end to tyranny. ...

Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless

He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.

Ashrei: Psalm 145

The internal and external structure of this carefully-crafted Psalm serves to reinforce its theme of praising God as the caring, divine ruler of all creation.

National Redemption

The blessings that conclude the Amidah's center section emphasize God's redemption of Israel.

Holiness Is Life

Moral behavior that respects and ensures life is the key to holiness and purity.

From Fratricide To Fraternal Solidarity

The Joseph story provides us with a domestic model for our national ability to move through reconciliation to solidarity.
