Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman

Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman is the founding director of Sinai and Synapses, an organization that bridges the scientific and religious worlds. He was ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.


Articles by Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman

“God” and “Religion” Aren’t the Same

After all, since religion is a human endeavor, we have the power to change what it does.

Trading Meaning for Power

Three main problems faced people on a day-to-day basis: war, famine, and plague...

How Science Can Help Jewish Professionals

Most Jews have no problem with science; the challenge is often getting them excited about Judaism.

Jewish Wisdom for Life on Mars

What would it feel like to live on Mars?The New York Times is giving us a glimpse of that reality ...

Judaism in a Cloud-Based Economy

Last week, my phone wouldn’t charge. Since it was still under warranty, I got a loaner phone while it was shipped ...

The More We Look, the More We See

My three-year-old daughter doesn’t miss a thing. She notices when we move the snow shovels from one side of the garage ...

When Reality is Hard to Accept

I had a lot of realizations on Tuesday night, but one was particularly salient for me: whoever was going to win, half ...

Yom Kippur Is Important. The Day After Is Even More So.

We sat in synagogue most, if not all, of the day. We didn’t eat. We thought about the ways we missed ...

The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

If you had walked into Washington D.C.’s L’Enfant Plaza on the morning of January 12, 2007, you would have been ...
