Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger
Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger lives in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion, and serves as the Director of International Relations for Roots/Judur/Shorashim, the Israeli Palestinian Local Initiative for Understanding, Nonviolence, and Transformation - https://www.friendsofroots.net/. He also frequently travels to Dallas Texas where he serves as the Executive Director of the Jewish Studies Initiative. His website is www.ravhanan.org
Articles by Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger
A Slap in the Face in an Ancient Church That Wasn’t a Synagogue
On a tour of Judea (in the West Bank), wishing all its residents past and present were acknowledged.
Occupier and Occupied
At the front lines of trying to build Israeli-Palestinian peace.
I’ll Tell You What You Need to Do
Why would they stand and hold signs that say ‘We refuse to be enemies’ when every day they are treated by our authorities like less-than-human enemies?
Principled Preconditions Prevent People Progress
The meaningful statements that each side wants the other to make as a precondition to dialogue are unilateral capitulations to the other side’s truth.
Muslims Celebrate Shavuot – And Have Been Doing so for Hundreds of Years!
The correlation between Ramadan and Sivan is not coincidental but rather fundamental.
After 69 Years, an Old New Paradigm is Needed
During the Holocaust we died in vain. We had no homeland and no state.
From a Passover of Alienation to a Passover of Empathy
Our love and concern must radiate out beyond the us towards the them.
Massacre in the Patriarch’s Tomb
The following letter to the Palestinian people shall never be sent. After at least three rewritings and endless discussions among ...
Should the F-word Be Off Limits for Rabbis?
At that moment I felt utterly violated, encroached upon. I know that it sounds like I am exaggerating but I ...
PTSD + Preeminence = Moral Schizophrenia
A few nights ago I made a presentation for ‘Noar Shorashim’, the Roots Initiative youth group that brings together high ...