Janice Weizman

Janice Weizman was born in Toronto, and moved to Israel at the age of nineteen. She is a graduate of the Creative Writing program at Bar-Ilan University, where she initiated and serves as managing editor of The Ilanot Review, an online literary journal. Janice’s fiction has appeared in various literary journals including Lilith, Jewish Fiction, and Scribblers on the Roof. The Wayward Moon is her first novel.


Articles by Janice Weizman

Living in Hebrew, Thinking in Aramaic, Writing in English

“Many artists are ‘underground’,” a writing instructor of mine once remarked, “but no one is more underground than writers.” To ...

Writing What You’ve Never Seen: Janice Weizman and Historical Fiction

All fiction writers have a streak of audacity. To make up something and then ask readers to suspend their disbelief ...

Making the Invisible Visible: The Bildungsroman and the Jewish Woman

A young man leaves his home and sets out on a journey. He is impressionable, sensitive, and inexperienced in the ...
