Jeremy Moses

Jeremy Moses is the Editorial Fellow at He has a BA in American History and Modern Jewish Studies from McGill University. He served as the advisor for United Synagogue Youth in Montreal. He spent two summers working as a Unit Head at Camp Ramah in Canada.


Articles by Jeremy Moses

What’s The Hebrew For Community?

Just yesterday, Tamar and I were sitting around the office discussing the merits of talking about our favorite television shows ...

Best of the Week

Straight from the depths of the dark mind of Jeremy Moses, I present you with the best articles of the ...

Roger Waters Is A Wimp

There has been a small, but growing trend among some musicians and bands to refuse to play in Israel because ...

Forgetting Hillary Clinton

Not sure if you’ve heard by now, but the United States killed Osama Bin Laden last week. A couple of ...

Best of the Week

Maybe, just maybe, the East Coast is coming out of winter. Yesterday, I had to wear a sweatshirt to work ...

Remembering Jewish Chaplains

Now I did not know this but if you were to visit Arlington National Cemetery, there are three seperate plaques ...

Instant March of the Living

Yesterday was Yom Hashoah. And while our blog had minimal coverage of the day, that doesn’t mean that people around ...

Best of the Week

Here’s the thing. If God was able to split the sea and allow the Israelites to pass through it, why ...

Banning Circumcision

This looks like it might get ugly.An anti-circumcision group in San Francisco has collected and submitted 12,000 signatures (about 5,000 ...

Has Twitter Made Passover Impossible?

Last night, right as Passover came to an end, I ran over to the computer in my parents’ house and ...
