Jonathan Neril

Jonathan Neril is the project manager of the Jewish Environmental Parsha Initiative. He is a rabbinical student in his fourth year of Jewish learning in Israel. He received an MA and BA at Stanford with a focus on global environmental issues.


Articles by Jonathan Neril

Living in Balance

What accounts for the negative correlation between material excess and awareness of the Divine?

Water Consciousness

How to send environmental problems down the drain.

The Blessing of Rain

We must pray for beneficial rain, and then follow through with environmental action.

Ecology & Shabbat

Shabbat gives us an opportunity to stop trying to control the world.

Love of God and Material Desire

There is a lot to learn from the commandment not to covet.

Why Jacob Returns for His Small Vessel

Jacob views material possessions as essential and indispensable.

Rain as a Blessing

Ecological balance and our prayer for rain.
