Jordan Pelavin

Jordan Pelavin has been involved in both the Jewish and political communities for her entire life, and is thrilled to be working with Keshet—where she can bring her passions together. Jordan has experience working in Jewish camps (URJ Camps Harlam, Kutz and Crane Lake), synagogues (Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’a lot in Irvine, CA), youth groups (NFTY, BBYO) and more—providing both educational programing and enriching personal connections. She loves finding ways to add Jewish educational content to any and every program. With a degree in Communication from Bowie State University, Jordan is excited to bring Keshet’s stories to life. Originally from Maryland, Jordan will happily extol the virtues of Old Bay and the Chesapeake. She cares deeply about political engagement, pop music and libraries and will never say no to a trivia night.


Articles by Jordan Pelavin

A Mother’s Day Chat with Raffi and Marion Freedman-Gurspan

Raffi and Marion Freedman-Gurspan talk parenting, how their politics and LGBTQ activism informed their family life, and more! 

Why is this night different from all other nights?: Passover resources for 2020

Each year at Passover, we start the retelling of our story of liberation by asking the Four Questions, beginning with ...

Meet Keshet’s Director of Advocacy, Mason Dunn

We’re bringing on our first ever director of advocacy, and we are thrilled to have Mason joining us in this role!

Sitting Down with the Shabbaton Co-chairs

Keshet Shabbatonim might feel like magic, but they actually take a lot of planning. And much of that planning is ...

What Made Us Proud in 2018

Over the last 365 days, Keshet has held 5 Shabbatonim– including 2 in areas of the country where we have ...

Gay Jewish Romance

An Interview with E. M. Ben Shaul, Author of 'Flying Without a Net'

Keshet Leadership Projects Takes the Midwest!

Last week we hosted two Leadership Projects-- one in Metro Detroit and one in the Twin Cities!

About Last Night’s Elections

All across America, LGBTQ people, women and minorities were elected to office-- and that is great news.

Voting is Magic

When I was younger, voting seemed magical.My parents would take me with them when they cast their ballots. We would ...
