Julie Seltzer
Julie Seltzer is a Torah scribe and educator with a BA in theatre arts from Brown University. She has been writing new Torah scrolls since 2009, when she was Scribe-in-Residence at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, CA. A video of Julie and this project can be found here. Julie also offers Torah repair, and runs interactive educational workshops, offering a hands-on glimpse into the world of Torah scrolls. Julie resides in the Hudson Valley, NY with her Israeli mutt Shusha. Her hand is featured on Sefaria’s homepage.
Articles by Julie Seltzer
Challah for Parashat B’shalah
Splitting the sea.
Challah for Parashat Bo
Door, Hyssop, Blood.
Challah for Parashat Vaera
An outstretched arm.
Challah for Parashat Shemot
Moses in a basket.
Challah for Parashat Vayigash
Jacob's heart.
Challah for Parashat Vayeshev
Judah's signet and cord.
Challah For Parashat Vayishlah
The Weeping Willow.
Challah for Parashat Vayetze
Jacob's sheep.
Challah for Parashat Toldot
Jacob and Esau in the womb.