Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny

Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny is a writer, ritualist, musician, healer and teacher. She'd like to help humanity evolve to its naturally more cooperative and benevolent frequency, and is interested in how Judaism can help. You can follow her antics on Instagram at @JewCPriestess.


Articles by Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny

Higher Than Speech is Song

The more extraordinary our spiritual experiences, the more they put us beyond the scope of words

Ask the Expert: When Emotions Overwhelm

Is there a Jewish prayer when life feels overwhelming?

Attitude of Gratitude

How can we cultivate gratitude as a consistent state of being?

Sukkah of Peace

The most universalist of Jewish holidays, Sukkot is the celebratory coda of Judaism's annual initiation rites.

The Third Temple Will Be Everywhere

Each of us is a miniature sanctuary.

Parashat Balak: A Good Eye

As the curtain falls on a particular life story, the instinct is to construct a narrative that amplifies their better qualities.

Time Wars

The ancient rabbis were well aware that control of the calendar was linked to their authority over the Jewish people

Parashat Bechukotai: Great Loss

The curses in this week's portion are a reminder of the calamities we all face.

Parashat Tazria: Birth, Death and the Sanctity of the Liminal

Parshat Tazria deals with two subjects that at first appear quite at odds: the rituals following the birth of a ...
