Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny

Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny is a writer, ritualist, musician, healer and teacher. She'd like to help humanity evolve to its naturally more cooperative and benevolent frequency, and is interested in how Judaism can help. You can follow her antics on Instagram at @JewCPriestess.


Articles by Kohenet Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny

Holy Cows

Like our ancestors before us, we are called to let go of our sacred cows.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Hoshanah Rabbah is the climax of the High Holiday cycle, the day the judgment of Yom Kippur receives its final seal.

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech: Ethical Wills

Although we might think of the Torah as being about the past, detailing the origins of the cosmos, the planet ...

Parashat Shoftim: Justice, Death and Uncertainty

Judaism provides for the liminal, confusing period of grief with a series of stages.

Am I My Beloved’s?

The supposed duality of lover and beloved may be mere metaphor.

Parashat Vaetchanan: Prayer and Pleading 

Life is not simple, and prayer is more than just pleading.

Parashat Pinchas: Transitions and Transmissions

This Torah portion focuses on teachings and transmissions through generations.

Parashat Sh’lach: Dreams and Disappointments

What is this generation of Israelites to do in the face of a collective terminal diagnosis?

Parashat Bamidar: The Loss of a Generation

The Book of Numbers is a gentle reminder to listen to the elders still among us.
