Marques Hollie


Articles by Marques Hollie

Justice Is…

To say that justice had been served in Derek Chauvin’s trial is, in my mind, reduces justice to a single action, as opposed to an adjective, an innate characteristic our society as a whole should be striving for.

The Temptation of the Master’s Tools

Who will you choose to be? Are you paying attention? How many times have you been called to action? What ...

Trees, Dreams, and the Morning After

While 2020 continues 2020-ing all around us, one practice I’ve found extremely comforting is SVARA’S daily drop-in mishnah collective. I’ve ...

Parashat Vayera: What About Isaac?

There are many things I love about our tradition, the idea of midrash, of study and story, is chief among ...

A Coming Out Day and Simchat Torah Letter to a Younger Me

National Coming Out Day was established on October 11, 1988, as a commemoration of the Second National March on Washington ...

Bending Toward Light

The poem below is entitled Bending Toward Light. It is liturgical(ish); invoking the Barchu and Yotzer Or, as seen through ...

Stonewall Avot v’Imahot

Please rise, as you are able, in body or in spirit for our queer ancestors: Marsha, Stormé, Sylvia, our forebears whose ...

My Queer, Black Judaism

Reflections on High Holidays and Multifaceted Identity
