Matt Gewirtz

Matthew D. Gewirtz is the Senior Rabbi at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, New Jersey. He is the author of The Gift of Grief: Finding Peace, Transformation and Renewed Life after Great Sorrow” (Random House). A strong advocate of social justice, Rabbi Gewirtz is a founding executive committee member of the Newark Coalition for Hope and Peace, an interfaith organization of Jews, Christians and Muslims that is committed to ending gang violence in Newark. Rabbi Gewirtz strives to find joy and meaning in his daily life and is committed to helping do the same for others. His greatest joy comes from his wife, Lauren and their three beautiful children.


Articles by Matt Gewirtz

Don’t Let Fear Paralyze You

When I was a little boy, I went through a period of time when I was terrified of intruders coming ...

Look at Me, Not at Your Device

These are not rude people. The people gathered around the table are my treasured colleagues. I hired most of them. ...

God, Are You Listening?

I was asked recently: “Do you believe God is really listening?”It is interesting: We rabbis talk more to children about ...

All We Do is Offend Each Other; So We Don’t Talk

My dear friend Tom was excited to greet his eldest daughter and new college friends home from college. “So, Erica,” ...

When I Lost Control, I Started to Lose Weight

There are lots of versions of this story, and while it would be just perfect if it were true, its ...

Pass the Thermometer: Can Religion be Healthy?

When I decided to enter rabbinical school, many of my friends were incredulous at the thought. They said, “Don’t get ...

I Desperately Want to Know…I am Not Just Asking

I was a 16-year old. My father (56), my younger sister (12) and I were walking home from the movies ...

You Care More About Winning Than You Do About Our Children!

I felt like I was a character in a movie I was warned not to see. The parent on the ...

Black Lives Matter. Life Matters. It is On Us.

I have been in and out of sleep all night. I wake automatically reaching for the remote to see if ...

Talking about Dying is Really Talking about Living

As Passover approaches, most of the questions I have received lately have been about matzoh and seders; slavery and freedom. ...
