Matt Plen

Matt Plen is the Chief Executive of Masorti Judaism in the UK. He has taught and trained educators in diverse institutions in Israel, the UK and the USA and is currently researching his doctorate on Critical Pedagogy and Jewish Ideologies of Social Justice.


Articles by Matt Plen

The Twin Wars

How the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War shaped Israel.

Zionism, the Palestinians, & Peace

Do the various ideologies of Zionism allow for the practical coexistence of Jews and Palestinians?

Moses Mendelssohn

Herald of the Jewish Enlightenment.

Reading Modern Science into Genesis

Contemporary approaches to reconciling discrepancies.

Leo Baeck

Theologian who emphasized the ethical center of Judaism.

The Sinai Campaign

Israel's First Military Offensive.

Modern Aliyah

Economic, political, and religious trends shape the cultural makeup of the State of Israel.

Rabbi Louis Jacobs

Scholar and leader known for his prolific writing and intellectual integrity.

A.D. Gordon: The Religion of Labor

A Zionist thinker who advocated a return to nature.
