Matthue Roth

Matthue Roth's newest book is Automatic. He is also the author of three novels and the memoir Yom Kippur a Go-Go, and is an associate editor at His screenplay 1/20 is currently in production as a feature film.


Articles by Matthue Roth

Eyes to See with, Photos to Kvell over

Score one (more) for budding innovative technologies in Israel: at Beit Ha’iver, the Center of the Blind, in Herzliya, a ...

The Hope (free mp3!)

My Hasidic father-in-law, after being initiated as the president of his local branch of United Israel Appeal (an organization that, ...

Olympic Culture Hacking

Meredith pointed out that Jews and Israelis are winning Olympic medals all over the place, and then asked, “Why do ...

Haisdic ‘Fixer’ Runs for City Council

Do you ever notice how, for a paper with so much anti-Israel tactics, the New York Times sure reports a ...

Cool Jew (DVD Bonus Cut)

Lisa Alcalay Klug’s new book, Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe, is a history and ...

Magic Jewish Fences

Two things: first of all, Tamar Fox’s article on Jewcy about the struggle to erect an eruv — or what ...

Franz Kafka

The 20th century's realest surrealist.

Lego Hasidic Wedding

If you’ve ever wondered what an Australian Hasidic wedding looks like….well, it’s not exactly like this, but it comes pretty ...

Jesus and Me

Benyamin Cohen’s new book My Jesus Year is nearing its release date, and the official website has just gone up. ...

Rabbi Steinsaltz Takes on the Olympics

Remember when all of Jewish Law was ruled by a committee of 71 judges, each of whom were able to ...
